119th Sidewalk Update
from The Cedar Mill News
People have been asking about the progress on the sidewalk planned for the west side of 119th from Cornell to McDaniel. Because it will be a full concrete sidewalk, with buried culverts, curbs and other engineering challenges, the project is on schedule, but will not be completed until late summer 2012.
Matt Costigan, Senior Project Manager for Washington County Land Use and Transportation, says the project is nearing “60% design, which is the first of several design reviews. “We have the preferred layout with new storm pipe, structures, and sidewalk locations identified, as well as right-of-way (ROW) needs. From here we continue to move forward refining the design toward a complete set of construction documents.”
The county already owns some of the ROW needed for the sidewalk, but not all of it. Once those additional ROW needs are determined, independent appraisers will be hired to set the value of the land so that offers can be made to the affected landowners. The Board of Commissioners approved a “Declaration of Necessit”” on August 2, which gives staff the authority to begin the process.
The project will go out for construction bidding early next year, with construction next spring through summer.
The roadside ditches currently carry stormwater, so Clean Water Services has to approve plans for storm water culverts. Costigan says they are working through some issues as is usual with this type of project.
The estimated $1.5 million needed to complete the project comes from the general Major Streets Transportation Improvement Project (MSTIP) funds allocated for bike and pedestrian projects.
For more information about the project, and to keep up with the schedule and updates, visit the county’s project website.
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